Queer & Woo

Suresh Ramdas, Mr. Gay India 2019: India's Complex Relationship with Queerness, and Driving Diversity & Inclusion Within the Corporate Space

Episode Summary

Suresh Ramdas, recently crowned Mr. Gay India 2019, is a fierce advocate for LGBTQ+ equality, especially in the corporate space.

Episode Notes

Suresh Ramdas, recently crowned Mr. Gay India 2019, is a fierce advocate for LGBTQ+ equality, especially in the corporate space. In this episode Suresh shares with us his journey of self-discovery, growing up in the Catholic Church while being surrounded by Hindu traditions, and how he navigated the world as a queer young adult. He also shares what led to the founding of Working With Pride, a resource group for queer people and allies in the corporate space.

Suresh is HP’s India LGBTQ Lead, and has 15+ years of experience in Customer Support and Diversity & Inclusion. He has completed the LGBTQ Executive Leadership Program from Stanford University, is a certified Diversity Professional, certified NLP Practitioner, and has co-facilitated a leadership program called Leading With Pride (LWP) for the LGBTQ+ community people that helps to build leaders for tomorrow. Suresh is also featured as 2019's OUTstanding 50 LGBT+ Future Leader and his efforts towards gaining acceptance for queer individuals in the workplace is ever-expanding. 


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